Wednesday, January 22, 2014

More Weight Loss Myths

 Being strict and depriving myself of foods is
If you choose a strict diet that severely limits the foods you
eat, such as eliminating one or more food groups or mainly
eating only one or two foods, this will bore you and you will
lose interest in the diet before too long. The body likes
variety and so do your taste buds. This is also unhealthy as
your body needs a number of different vitamins, minerals
and nutrients and it can only get these from a variety of
food choices.
eat healthy food

Don't limit yourself to the point of ridiculousness. This is not
an effective means of losing weight and it will not work.
Allow yourself to have dessert occasionally if it is what you
desire. Just make sure you have a small piece of pie or cake
or one scoop of ice cream, not two. Deprivation will get you
nowhere. Say goodbye to all foods that are not deemed
as healthy.
This myth is an extension of number two. If you stop eating
EVERY unhealthy food that you enjoy, you will be able to
shed pounds easier and quicker. This is untrue. You will still
remain motivated and on track if you allow yourself to eat
an unhealthy favorite food once in awhile.

Moderation is the key to losing weight and to keeping it off
in the long term. If you enjoy pizza or a burger from
McDonald's then partake of these pleasures now and again
and don't allow yourself to feel guilty. You are less likely to
fall off the horse so to speak or to binge if you give yourself
permission to enjoy “fun foods” when the mood strikes.

 Eating foods late at night is more likely to
pack on the pounds.
This is a common myth that is believed by many. The truth
is that if you consume more calories on a daily basis then
your body requires, the excess will be stored as fat. The
opposite is also the case -- if you take in fewer calories than
you burn then you will shed pounds. For this reason, the
time of day you eat does not really matter so much as how
much you eat and how much you burn off through physical
what to eat

According to health experts, you should never go to bed
hungry, as this will prevent you from having a sound sleep.
You are fasting while you sleep after all. That is what
breakfast the following morning- break the fast- is all about.
Eating something small and light, such as a few crackers and
some cheese can actually contribute to a more restful night's sleep.

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